Unity3D and Evolver facial animation Morphs
Video Source: www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9MONtB3w4k
https://assetstore.unity.com/packages... • More info on this and how you can get the system can be found at http://www.west-racing.com/mf/?page_i... • • Video showing the simple process to get evolver models complete with their facial animation morphs from 3ds max to Unity using MegaFiers. It is a simple export from max followed by a simple load in Unity. The new optimized MegaFiers morpher automatically compresses the data to allow for a fully morphed model of 6500 verts with 70+ channels of morphs to only take 3ms to deform. This makes using morphs in Unity as attractive if not more so than using boned facial animation as during the game when no facial animation is used there is zero overhead unlike a boned animation where the bones still need processing, and even with all 70 channels of morph data being used the system is still very fast. • • The same export system can be used from blender as well.