CKAD Solutions mock 1 Exam 2023 SRE learning platform aws spot ec2
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SRE Learning Platform. • Solutions mock CKAD exam scenario. • • 0:00 1. Deploy a pod named webhttpd • 00:55 2. Create a new Deployment named nginx-app • 01:42 3. Create secret and create pod with environment variable from secret • 06:11 4. Fix replicaset rs-app2223 in namespace rsapp • 07:16 5. Create deployment msg and service msg-service • 09:04 6. Update the environment variable on the pod text-printer • 10:29 7. Run pod appsec-pod with ubuntu:22.04 image as root user and with SYS_TIME capability • 14:15 8. Export the logs of the pod app-xyz3322 • 16:05 9. Add a taint to the node with label work_type=redis. Create a pod with toleration • 19:09 10. Apply a label app_type=beta to node controlplane. Create a new deployment called beta-apps • 22:52 11. Create new ingress resource to the service • 24:56 12. Create a new pod called nginx1233 in the web-ns • 28:49 13. Create a job with the image busybox and name hi-job • 30:56 14. Create a pod called multi-pod with two containers. • 33:58 15. Create a Persistent Volume with the given specification. Run pod with pv • 44:06 16. Create a CustomResourceDefinition definition • 47:18 17. Write two cli commands to get the top nodes and top pods • 48:23 18. Add prometheus helm repo and install prometheus chart to the cluster • 51:19 check results