Lore For Noobs Illidan Stormrage Part 1
Video Source: www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-NTkqJHb64
Illidan Stormrage -the twin brother to Malfurion Stormrage- was born with a pair of amber eyes, a rare trait that in Night Elven society means that you are d...
Illidan, Malfurion, Tyrande, Ner'zhul, Gul'dan, Archimonde, Tichondrius, Lady, Vashj, Kael'thas, Sargeras, Magtheridon, Kil'Jaeden, Maiev, Akama, Arthas, Deathwing, Lord, Ravencrest, Cenarius, zin-Azhari, Well, of, Eternity, Shattrath, Suramar, Outland, Silverpine, Forest, The, Tomb, Black, Temple, Hellfire, Citadel, Night, Elves, Blood, Eredar, Fel, Orcs, Burning, Legion, Naga, Scourge, Moon, Guard, Highborne