Iron Micro with Challenger Macro How to JUNGLE and Win EASILY
I troll so hard mechanically in this game holy. First game btw. • 00:00 Promo • 00:13 Gameplay • Key takeaways from gameplay... • The Level 3 Graves invade is good but I smite and reveal myself so I don't get my Q's damage in with my initial Backstab (this is so troll because I just miss a kill for no reason) • Ganking bot after Gromp Level 4 is good because they have no summoner spells from earlier fight and wave is pushing (I also know Graves is top, so 3v2) • Recall straight away because Graves will invade my top side seeing me I ping what I think Graves will do and ask my support to help out of base • I don't do Grubs because there's a great chance Graves goes to his Krugs and then Raptors out of base and I would just set up and kill him...and even if he runs to Grubs I get his whole bot side and technically weak side his stronger bot lane, so I'm 3v2ing the more important side lane • Level 5 death is somewhat troll because I can just E the Miss Fortune and let Hwei kill but I am a greedy Shaco player, and thanks Hwei for missing whatever ability that is • Don't do Krugs after Red because it adds 20 seconds to me being top side...those 20 seconds can be used to kill Graves on his bot side • After the double kill mid I can take his Red even though they know I will because the enemy bot lane is in bot lane; they are not in fog • donbeshi • FOLLOW THE KR CLIMB ON: / eagz • 🟢 1v9: • 🟢 Discord: / discord • 🟢 1000+ coaching sessions: / eagz • Follow me on Twitch: / eagz • Follow me on Twitter: / eagzv9 • ~ Eagz • shaco,challenger shaco,shaco gameplay,shaco guide,season 14 shaco,shaco season 14,ad shaco,challenger shaco gameplay,shaco coaching,shaco coach,eagz shaco,eagz,jungle guide,season 14 jungle guide,jungle macro,macro guide,korea