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Authentic Odisha Chenna Poda is a very popular cheese cake made from Chenna Or a softer variety of Indian cottage cheese ,quite similar to Ricotta cheese.Traditionally Authentic Odisha Chenna Poda is made with the sweetened cheese mixture ,which is wrapped in couple of layers of banana leaves and baked in clay ovens till the cheese cake get a thick caramelized coating from all the sides .But i have made the process of making chenna poda easy by making it in oven and by making it with ricotta cheese .so try this very delicious Authentic Odisha Chenna Poda dessert or Ricotta Cheese Cake Indian Style and share your comments. • Ingredients; • Ricotta Cheese (Chena) 3 cups • semolina(Suji) 3 tbsp • Sugar 2 cups • Cardamom powder 1 tsp • • • Oriya (Odia) Recipes !! • • Vegetarian Recipes • • Indian dessert recipes