American Accent Training Part 04 ai sound
✅ • American English Idioms Expressions... • 👉 Check the latest Video - American Idioms I love to use the most? • American Accent Training -- Vowel sound AI • AI: When ONLY your lower jaw (chin) stretches down, you then produce an AI sound. • The sound break-ups for the 21 sample words. • For example, • Man : mAI-n Vanish : vAI-nish • Can : kAI-n Slavish : slAI-vish • Van : vAI-n Lavish : lAI-vish • Tan : tAI-n Pass : pAI-ss • Ran : rAI-n Track : trAI-k • Fan : fAI-n Hack : hAI-k • Hand : hAIn-d Lapse : lAI-pse • Massive : mAI-siv Tap : tAI-p • Traffic : trAI-fik Grab : grAI-b • • Jam : jAI-m Chance : chAI-nce • Pan : pAI-n • • • • Now your teacher will read out sentences to demonstrate the 21 words. • He's a Man of great words. • Would you like to drink a Can of Pepsi? • I've heard he's just bought a new Van. • Lying on the beach I developed a Tan. • While playing football he Ran like the wind. • It's getting hot ! can you please turn on the Fan . • I think I've hurt my Hand. • In the morning today there was a Massive Traffic Jam. • There must be a frying Pan in the kitchen. • The burglar had to Vanish behind the bushes. • Even after so much of hard work, he was Slavish in his behavior. • In order to maintain his image, he had to be Lavish in his expenditure. • Can you please Pass the salt. • Did you the know our school has a national-size race Track. • At an early age he was referred to as a 'computer whiz', and could Hack computers. • In his professional career this was the biggest ever Lapse he saw. • The water Tap seems to be broken. • You must always Grab your opportunities, if given a Chance.