Asexual Reproduction in Plants Taking CuttingsBiology iGCSE Plant ReproductionCricks Biology
This lesson all about demonstrating different ways of taking cuttings and relates to: • 3a Reproduction in Plants • 3.7 understand that plants can reproduce asexually by natural methods (illustrated by runners) and by artificial methods (illustrated by cuttings) • I am Head of Biology with 25 years of teaching experience. I am learning technology as I go along, through 'lockdown' due to Covid-19. I never thought I would end up doing YouTube videos, but seeming as I am recording lessons, as well as doing live lessons with my pupils, I thought I should try putting them onto YouTube to see if they could help other pupils and teachers too. • If you enjoyed what you watched why not click the like button and if you want to watch more why not subscribe. • #cricksbiology •