Yellowbellied Sapsucker Holes on Tree Trunks
Have you noticed a horizontal row of holes on any of your tree trunks? These holes are caused by a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker bird. They feed on the sap of trees such as maples, hollies, Blue Atlas cedars, and others. This rarely causes enough damage to harm an otherwise healthy tree, and there is no practical way to discourage the birds from doing this. • Presented by Meg Smolinski, outreach coordinator at the University of Maryland Arboretum and Botanical Garden • Read more about Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers: • -- • The University of Maryland Extension Home and Garden Information Center's mission is to develop and deliver science-based, sustainable gardening information and solutions through outreach education for better human and environmental health. • • Send us your plant and pest questions. Our Certified Professional Horticulturists, faculty, and Master Gardeners are ready to help! • • Explore our extensive gardening content online. • #TreeCare #Arborist #GardeningTips #Shorts