Sea lion vs Walrus


Sea Lion vs.Walrus! Who will win if they go head to head! These wild animals are both strong predators, but who is stronger if they go head to head? How do they attack? What is their lifespan? Are they endangered? Will the Tiger or Hyena come out on top?! • SUBSCRIBE for the latest videos: • Which of these animals would “win” if they go head to head and which one has the best changes to survive in general. These rounds will let you find out! • Where do these creatures live? • Sea lions are found everywhere. They make up both the Northern and Southern Hemisphere. They are, however, notably not present in the Atlantic Ocean. You will find them in the subarctic and tropical waters of the global ocean. You will find Sea lions along with southern Australia, South-Western Africa and South America. • The Sea Lion population is steadily growing at an estimated 257,000 individuals. While the world has lived through times where there were more than 2 million sea lions' seven subspecies, there has been a decline in their numbers. This is due to the multi-decadal sea surface warming crisis. • In 2008, Walrus was initially discussed as an endangered species. By 2011, they had been listed under the Endangered Species Act. However, The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service determined in 2021 that it does not warrant listing as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act. Both animals face depletion, but the Sealion sees more natural and manufactured decline than the Walrus. • There has been an amendment to the Marine Mammal Protection Act to enable indiscriminate killings of Sea lions to preserve Salmon. This new directive means that Salmon-eating sea lions could be killed to the tune of 1100 each year. • What do these creatures eat? • Sea lions are predators who feed on about 50 species of fish. They primarily feed on herrings, squid, octopuses, and anchovy. They are also predators of Salmon and other bottom-dwelling fishes who come out to escape winter. Walrus eat bivalves like clams. They also eat worms, sea cucumbers, gastropods, and cephalopods. They are carnivores who eat soft-bodied animals. They prey on such soft body fishes as polar cod. They also eat the carcass of young seals. In comparison, some males go after ringed and bearded seals for food. • How much do these creatures need to eat? • The Food intake of Sealion is about 5% to 8% of their body weight per day. It has been observed that they do not drink water except for males when they are fasting. Fasting happens for males who have to defend their territories during the breeding season. If they go and find food, they miss mating opportunities within their territories. • Sea lions are usually fast for weeks, and while they are drinking only water, they tend to consume stones. There is no justification for it scientifically. Yet, it is believed to help with digestion, make them weigh more, or stop irritation from intestinal parasites. • Sea lions have an average of 20 – 30 years. The life expediency puts the years at 15 to 25 for the majority of Sea lions. When they are in captivity, they tend to go past 32 years. It is also recorded that there is a pub mortality rate between 10% to 15% during the first month. • Sea lions can attack humans for many reasons. The usual is because they view them as a threat or mistook them for play toys. If a sea lion comes 8 feet into contact with a human, it could be unsafe. The usual attacks are bites and pulling by the outfit into water. The mouth of a Sealion can give you an infection or minor bone injury. • Natural predators of Sea lions are sharks and orcas, killer whales, and humans. These attackers often hunt the weak and young Sea lions. Walrus, however, are very large and rarely find themselves being attacked by other animals. They often fight amongst themselves instead. Occasionally polar bears and killer whales attack weaker and younger Walruses, but they are unsuccessful. Humans who try to hunt Walruses physically are also under the mercy of their strength. • Who wins this round? • Sea lions are fast underwater, although they like to cruise slower. They can reach 30km per hour. Their fastest time is 56km per hour when they choose. • On land, a Walrus moves awkwardly, much like the Sealion, yet has the speed of a running human being. They can move on all fours and sprint in short spurts if they have to. • Sea lions can regulate their own body temperature. Their capillaries are close to the skin's surface and can catch its sunbeams to keep the body warm when it is cold. They also have a hearing ability that picks up sound both under and above water. Their whiskers can also detect fish hidden. They are the best choice for aquariums. They are quick learners and can adjust to new information quickly. They breed readily, receive training and perform efficiently in captivity.


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