Know Thyself Part 1 Continued Santos Bonacci


'Know thyself', was the ancient admonition of the Oracle of Delphi • The ancient wisdom traditions always depict man (male and female) as a composite being and frequently as the microcosmic reflection of the conscious living universe: as above, so below. Plato, for example, allegorizes the kingdom outside (the ideal State) and within (ourselves) as a Republic composed of many citizens. He describes it as a diverse yet interdependent polity ideally ruled by the philosopher, the wisdom-loving hero who has struggled up the steep and rugged ascent from the prison of ignorance to the luminous realm of truth. Self-discovery is a process of self-transformation: progressively taming and refining the disorderly elements of the soul, and solarizing one's inner nature by identifying with the author of one's being and its radiant ideals of Justice, Beauty, and the Good • Socrates' guiding rule was, Know Thyself. These words are among the most powerful ever uttered, and of eternal significance. No better advice has ever been given to man or woman. When one begins to explore this dictate it leads to profound understandings about all of creation. It makes unhappiness, fear, sadness, doubt, and all the negative emotions meaningless. • 'The kingdom of God is within you'. Jesus • Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? (1 Cor 3:16). • To thine own self be true. ~ Shakespeare • Turn the spotlight inward. ~ Gandhi • Trust yourself and you will know how to live. ~ Goethe


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