How Peachette amp Bowsette Fixes New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe KOTORS SOAPBOX


Peachette is amazing. Her inclusion in the port of New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe on the Nintendo Switch might just make the game worth playing. • Full disclosure: this video was written, recorded, and filmed a week ago (at the same time as our Switch Online video). We thought it might not actually be all that topical and almost shelved it, but then Bowsette became the biggest meme on the internet, and suddenly we realized that other people were just as interested in this new mechanic as we are! • So, we added in a little Bowsette chat where relevant, and cut out the original ending, in which Kotor complained loudly about the lack of diverse female representation in gaming for a minute or two. • We hope you're enjoying these soapbox videos. Next week, we'll do a more complete video explaining the logic behind some changes that are being made at the channel, but for the moment please just be patient with us. Kotor's using these soapbox videos as a creative outlet after losing his job a month or two ago, and they make him happy, which is good as he was getting a bit depressed without much to focus on. • The nice takeaway from this is that he's feeling better than he was before, so that's good. If making weird videos is helping him, then fair enough. • Anyway, enjoy your week. We'll be back on Friday with another New Super Mario Bros themed video, the second part in our Golden Triangle trilogy, all about the creation of New Super Mario Bros U. • It's almost as if we deliberately planned all of this to tie in together! (We definitely didn't do that!) • Lots of love, • Kotor (  / kotorcomics  ) and BretonStripes (  / bretonstriped  ) • This is the part where we normally credit our music, but I just realized, we forgot to edit any in! Oh well, no big deal!


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