Mozart Vesperea Solennes de Confessore KV339 2 Confitebor Bass
Soprano Link: • Mozart - Vesperea Solennes de Confess... • Alto Link: • Mozart - Vesperea Solennes de Confess... • Tenor Link : • Mozart - Vesperea Solennes de Confess... • Bass Link : • Mozart - Vesperea Solennes de Confess... • All Parts Link : • Mozart - Vesperea Solennes de Confess... • Bass Choir Practice: KV 339 - 2 “Confitebor”, is the second movement of Vesperea Solennes de Confessore by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart . The flow and energy of the first movement continues directly into Confitebor (Psalm 111) Confitebor tibi Domine, In toto corde meo (I will praise the Lord with my whole heart). The soloists sing in a call-and-response with the chorus, with the chorus taking over for the final “Gloria Patri.”