Decided To Break It Marianas Trench


Second song on Marianas Trench album Fix Me • • Lyrics: • • All the concrete words around here • I'm the bad seed, I think I swallowed it whole • You're the compromise that never falls through • Never left behind on the break down • • A thousand promises that never seemed to help me before • A hundred less and I would stumble till I found the back door • With nothing left to think I'll probably sit around and ignore • The apathy that always leads me • • All the broken hearts that hang around here • All the sick things that make you pull out your hair • All the bad dreams, all the nightmares • All the avarice that's always sticking it in • • A thousand promises that never seemed to help me before • A hundred less and I would stumble till I found the back door • With nothing left to think I'll probably sit around and ignore • The apathy that always leads me • And always finds a way to break me down • down, down, down... • • A thousand promises that never seemed to help me before • A hundred less and I would stumble till I found the back door • With nothing left to think I'll probably sit around and ignore • A hundred less and I would stumble till I found the back door • A thousand promises that never seemed to help me before • A hundred less and I would stumble till I found the back door • With nothing left to think I'll probably sit around and ignore • • A thousand promises that never seemed to help me before • A hundred less and I would stumble till I found the back door • With nothing left to think I'll probably sit around and ignore • The apathy that always leads me • And always finds a way to break me down • • and thats when I decided to break it","styleRuns":[{"startIndex":0,"length":1645,"styleRunExtensions":{"styleRunColorMapExtension":{"colorMap":[{"key":"USER_INTERFACE_THEME_DARK","value":4294967295},{"key":"USER_INTERFACE_THEME_LIGHT","value":4279440147}]}},"fontFamilyName":"Roboto"}]},"headerRuns":[{"startIndex":0,"length":1645,"headerMapping":"ATTRIBUTED_STRING_HEADER_MAPPING_UNSPECIFIED"}]}},{"itemSectionRenderer":{"contents":[{"continuationItemRenderer":{"trigger":"CONTINUATION_TRIGGER_ON_ITEM_SHOWN","continuationEndpoint":{"clickTrackingParams":"CKoBELsvGAIiEwi07oOvibGKAxWI5EIFHfTMFQc=","commandMetadata":{"webCommandMetadata":{"sendPost":true,"apiUrl":"/youtubei/v1/next"}},"continuationCommand":{"token":"Eg0SCzMxTGJZOWNUMjZRGAYyJSIRIgszMUxiWTljVDI2UTAAeAJCEGNvbW1lbnRzLXNlY3Rpb24%3D","request":"CONTINUATION_REQUEST_TYPE_WATCH_NEXT"}}}}],"trackingParams":"CKoBELsvGAIiEwi07oOvibGKAxWI5EIFHfTMFQc=","sectionIdentifier":"comment-item-section","targetId":"comments-section"}}],"trackingParams":"CKkBELovIhMItO6Dr4mxigMViORCBR30zBUH"}},"secondaryResults":{"secondaryResults":{"results":[{"lockupViewModel":{"contentImage":{"collectionThumbnailViewModel":{"primaryThumbnail":{"thumbnailViewModel":{"image":{"sources":[{"url":" rs=AOn4CLBVPX6LoKaIhmwp1Bu8l0qj0zsysQ","width":168,"height":94},{"url":" rs=AOn4CLCH-QZHmODZp64Wcq7EenLSz3Md_A","width":336,"height":188}]},"overlays":[{"thumbnailOverlayBadgeViewModel":{"thumbnailBadges":[{"thumbnailBadgeViewModel":{"icon":{"sources":[{"clientResource":{"imageName":"PLAYLISTS"}}]},"text":"11 video's","badgeStyle":"THUMBNAIL_OVERLAY_BADGE_STYLE_DEFAULT","backgroundColor":{"lightTheme":3345933,"darkTheme":3345933}}}],"position":"THUMBNAIL_OVERLAY_BADGE_POSITION_BOTTOM_END"}},{"thumbnailHoverOverlayViewModel":{"icon":{"sources":[{"clientResource":{"imageName":"PLAY_ALL"}}]},"text":{"content":"Alles afspelen","styleRuns":[{"startIndex":0,"length":14}]},"style":"THUMBNAIL_HOVER_OVERLAY_STYLE_COVER"}}],"backgroundColor":{"lightTheme":5839128,"darkTheme":5839128}}},"stackColor":{"lightTheme":10054763,"darkTheme":9664374}}},"metadata":{"lockupMetadataViewModel":{"title":{"content":"Marianas Trench - Fix Me"},"metadata":{"contentMetadataViewModel":{"metadataRows":[{"metadataParts":[{"text":{"content":"Evelyn Murray


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