WordPress Link Categories

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http://roseapplemedia.com produced video. Find more tutorials at: • http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/g... • The link categories screen is for grouping together outgoing links to display on the site. These link categories are separate from the post categories used for posts. • Each link in wordpress is associated with one or more link categories. This allows links to be grouped with others of similar content. • To add a new link category type in a name, this is the name that will appear on the site. • You can type a slug or WordPress will create one for you. This is the URL friendly version of the name and it contains lowercase letters, numbers and hyphens. This slug must be unique. • The descriptions can be entered but it is optional and is not displayed by default but can be used by some themes. Even if a link category description is not used in your theme, you may still find the description useful to help find a certain category with the search link categories option. • Click the add new link category button after you've entered all the information. This will save the link and add it to the link category table. • The link category table displays all of your link categories by row in alphabetically order. • This table can be configured by clicking the screen options tab at the top of this screen. Check any boxes you want to show or un-check any you want to hide. There's also an option to limit the numbers of link categories you want to show. Click the screen options tab again to close the screen options. • The table can be sorted by any of the table headings. • The name is what was entered in the name field when the link category was created and it's what will appear on the site. And under the name is the action line, you can edit the category, edit it using the Quick Edit, delete or view the category. Deleting a category will not delete the links in that category. They are not placed in the default category but are simply left without an assigned category. For this link to appear on the site it will need to be assigned to another category. • Description is what was entered in the description field. It's optional but it can be useful for searches. • Slug is the name used for the URL friendly version of the link. • And links shows the number of links which are part of this link category. Click on the number in the links column to open the all links screen to display and manage the links in that category. • The bulk actions feature is also available for performing a bulk action on several link categories. Select the Category, the action and click Apply. • There's also a search function at the top of this panel. Enter a keyword or series of keywords and click the search link categories button. This will list all the link categories that meet the search criteria.


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