My DIVIDEND PORTFOLIO Stock Allocation Strategy Investing For Dividends
I get a lot of questions about the composition of my personal dividend stock portfolio. While I have been starting to share some of my personal dividend stocks in my recent YouTube videos, today's video goes a step further and takes a high level view of my portfolio. In today's video, you will learn about my asset allocation strategy and how I own 36 stocks that pay dividends. • If you've been watching my channel for a while, you know that I have this concept of core, medium, and small/ancillary holdings. Today, you will see how I personally break down my 36 stocks across these three buckets. And, you will see the percentages I have allocated towards each. • Specifically, I have: • 12 core stocks representing 55% of my portfolio. • 15 medium stocks representing 33% of my dividend growth portfolio. • 9 small stocks representing 12% of my stock portfolio. • I also go through the percentages I have allocated towards my largest holdings and smallest holdings. And, I share insights as to why I like my personal asset allocation. • A long video, I also transition into two closing topics: • Why it's really difficult for professional money managers to replicate my strategy, but why I love my strategy and sleep well at night. • Why financial freedom is not a destination, but is a journey. I'm a big fan of partial financial freedom, and all of us get there the day we start investing for dividends. • I hope you enjoy today's video! Thanks, everyone, for your subscriptions, likes, and comments. Your support is the greatest thank you gift ever, and I'm excited about the growing community here! • Want to learn more about my focus for 2018? I'm investing in Procter Gamble (PG) and Kimberly-Clark (KMB) this year: • • My TOP 2 Stocks For 2018 (Investing F... • Want to learn about the company that pays me monthly dividends? I'm talking about Realty Income (O): • • The Monthly DIVIDEND STOCK That I Own... • Want to connect with me on social media? (Make sure to reach out via a public comment, so everyone can benefit from our discussion. I don't check private comments as frequently.) • Instagram - / ianlopuch • Twitter - / ianlopuch • Facebook - / ppcian • Disclosure: I am long Procter Gamble (PG), Kimberly-Clark (KMB), Realty Income (O), and Southern Company (SO). I own all four of these stocks in my dividend stock portfolio. • Disclaimer: I'm not a licensed investment advisor, and today's video is just for entertainment and fun. This video is NOT investment advice. Also, I'm not a tax advisor and today's video is NOT tax advice. Please talk to your licensed investment advisor before making any financial decisions. • All content on my YouTube channel is (c) Copyright IJL Productions LLC.