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Louis Tomlinson - Bigger than me • Louis Tomlinson - Bigger than me | George Micheal References - • Louis Tomlinson - Bigger than me | G... • bigger than me is an extremely cathartic song and it represents every single queer person who's ever had other people question their identity when they shouldn't have and it's saying this is me, this is who i am, i am not changing and frankly I don't give a fuck about you anymore because all of this is bigger than just me and I'm going to go fight for the bigger collective instead of paying attention to those who've done nothing but demean me. • I have been thinking a lot about how Louis said that ‘bigger than me’ is him looking at himself in terms of what it means to other people, since being in his position comes with a certain responsibility. I will never be on the level of stardom he is, but this thing about looking at yourself, your identity, in relation to the bigger picture is something that I relate to so much as a queer person. So many times when I’ve felt extreme rage about ‘subtle’ queerphobia that was essentially directed at me, the rage was not for me, but for other people who might not yet be as in peace with their identity as i am now. I have also felt a sense of overwhelming exhilaration in the presence of other queer people, as we celebrate who we are. My identity, as much as it is just mine, also feels bigger than me, in such contrasting scenarios. Louis has said that his songs are “whatever everyone else wants them to be”, and this is what bigger than me is, to me. And i will be forever grateful to him for that. • #louistomlinson #biggerthanme #larrystylinson