PENTAX Q test video
As a digital camera of lens-replaceable type, the world-record smallest and lightest PENTAX Q is much more compact than existing mirror-less single lens cameras; the weight is only 200 g even with batteries attached. The weight of OLYMPUS PEN Lite E-PL3 , which was released almost at the same time, is about 313g, so PENTAX Q greatly surpasses the rival in terms of the weight. • Though reviews of still pictures are often coming in, the moving images have rarely been seen. So, we took a test movie this time with a borrowed camera ahead of you. • 8月31日発売のPENTAX Qをテストしてみました。 • レンズ交換式デジタルカメラとしては世界最小・最軽量とのことで、さすがに小さいです。モデルの中島かれんさんの手にもすっぽり収まってしまいます。 • 詳しいレビューは、ガジェット通信から配信する予定です。 •