The SADDEST Time Travel Anime
Steins Gate is a classic time travel anime following the story of Okabe rintarou, dubbed Hououin Kyouma. The mad scientist who accidentally discovers time travel with a banana and a microwave in his make believe lab. His meeting with Makise Kurisu and changing the fate of everything. It has the japanese voice actor or seiyuu Hanazawa Kana as Mayurii Shina, Mayushii. Should be on crunchyroll or netflix #anime #manga #romanceanime #steinsgate • Socials: • Instagram: / kitokunx • Discord: / discord • Twitter: / kitokitox • Tiktok: / kitotok2 • Anime / Manga / Visual Novel: Steins;Gate - Steins;Gate: The Movie - Load Region of Déjà Vu - 劇場版 シュタインズゲート 負荷領域のデジャヴ TVアニメ • Similar Anime: ReZERO, ERASED, Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica, Link Click, Tokyo Revengers, Death Note, Toradora, Bunny Girl Senpai, Haruhi Suzumiya • BGM: tiny light by kito akari from tbhk (toilet bound hanako-kun) • Summer 2023 anime: Oshi no Ko, Jujutsu Kaisen, Mushoku Tensei, Shield Hero, Horimiya, zom 100, Rent a Girlfriend, Dark Gathering, My Happy Marriage as covered by gigguk
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