How to Treat Plantar Fasciitis or Heel Pain
Does the bottom of your foot or heel hurt specially when you take that first step when you wake up? If so, you probably have plantar fasciitis. • When you have plantar fasciitis, that means that you might have overloaded your plantar fascia through exercise or it might be difficult to admit it, you are gaining weight. But don’t worry there are stretches and massages that you can do to alleviate the pain and exercises to prevent it from happening again. • First is massaging the bottom of your foot. Use a splaying method if you can do it but if you can’t just use the knuckle of your fist or hand. Massage that area from the top to the bottom for a minute. • Second is facia stretch. Grab your toes and stretch it up towards your shin. Hold it for about 30 seconds twice. • Third is calf stretch using a belt. Leave a belt by your bedside and when you wake up in the morning, it is easy to grab it. Please the belt around the bottom of your foot and stretch your foot and ankle so that the toes point towards you. • Fourth is active ankle and foot movement. Write your name using your foot and toes, and if you have a short name, spell it out twice. • Now we can stand up. Do it slowly so you don’t hurt your plantar fascia. We will be doing a calf stretch standing up. The first is a straight leg lunge. Bring one leg to the front while the back leg is straight. Hold this position for a minute. This should stretch your gastrocnemius muscle. No bend your back knee slightly and hold us for a minute and disposition shirt stretch your soleus muscle. • And the last one is heel raises. Get your stool or a thick book and a rolled up towel place your toes on top of that rolled up towel, while your heel is floating from the book or a stool, slowly bring your heel down and raise your heel up three seconds, hold it up for two seconds and then lower your heel down for three seconds. Do this about 9 to 12 times. • And then, finally, since we all need to walk, get you a shoe insert that is soft and will have good support to the soul of your foot. This should absorb the load that you put on your foot while your plantar fascia is healing. • #plantarfasciitis #heelpain #footpain • Dr. Scholl’s Plantar Fasciitis Pain Relief : • ================================= • Disclaimer: • This video should not replace the necessity of visiting your doctor or getting your occupational therapy session done. Please consult your primary care physician before doing any of this. The video is for educational purposes only. • By performing any fitness exercises, you are performing them at your own risk. Skills and wellness will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of our fitness program. • • =============================== • Follow me on instagram: / skillsandwellness • =============================== • Affiliate Disclaimer: the links for the products will lead you to an online store which I may or may not earn a little amount when you order. This will greatly help in continuing to make Occupational Therapy videos. • ================================