Headsdown Handsup Informal Formative Assessment Version 2
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=5wLqmRT4cGA
In this video, the teacher talks about using the heads-down/hands-up informal formative instructional strategy. While in the midst of instruction, the teacher was quickly able to collect evidence that indicated which students had answered reading comprehension questions incorrectly and needed additional instruction. To read more about this strategy and how it was used in the Heads Down Hands Up Evidence Gathering lesson, go to http://ohiorc.org/formative-assessmen.... • The strategy or tool discussed in this video clip is part of the Formative Assessment Methods and Strategies collection which was developed during the Formative Assessment in Middle School project. The project was a collaboration between the Ohio Department of Education and the Ohio Resource Center (http://ohiorc.org) and was made possible by Race to the Top funding. The individual strategies in the collection were used in the classroom, submitted in writing, and presented in person at the last FAMS professional development session by middle school mathematics and language arts teachers from across Ohio.