You And Me Original Indie Music from Minddog

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ • • This is a simple concept about feeling good through music. I remember John Travolta talking about Quinten Tarantino and he said in Pulp Fiction it was just all the things Tarantino thought were cool thrown into a movie. That's kind of the approach I took with this music video. There's really no story here, just a bunch of things that made me happy. World vibe, comic books, dancers, kids, bold colors, guitar screaming and a happy beat. International cultures come together in song. Some people will ask why, but I don't concern myself with why as much as why not. I like the images and the silliness. I wish I could dance but not as much as I wish I could sing. • Most of this was shot on my phone. Thanks to Ralph Soluri for shooting some of it and trying to give direction to a guy who doesn't take direction well.


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