Windows 7 Startup Vista Style
The QUADBOOT returns with me recording Windows 7 booting with the not only Windows Vista boot screen enabled, but with the startup orb from Windows Vista. Unfortunately this somewhat caused some corruption to the shut down options in the start menu, and following the instructions in @Vista6002 's tutorial video on applying the animated orb at startup led to a black screen of death upon startup with a corrupted logonui (Vista, please don't take any offense from this. it did work for you in your video. Don't know why it didn't work for me). I ended up following the instructions in the README that came with the download in that video's description. And it worked. The result is here. However, it replaced one of the accounts with an other user login option, but not before it immediately chooses the previously logged in account. I ended up restoring things back to the way they were after filming this. • Windows is owned by Microsoft but obviously we all know that and I'm not sure I even need to cite Microsoft here.
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