Purple grenadier granadero morado Uraeginthus ianthinogaster
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=7n-MYTPZCdE
Purple Grenadier pair. You can see the nest that they have done, but I don't want to disturbed the nest.Czech: motýlek modrobřichýGerman: VeilchenastrildDa...
motýlek modrobřichý, Veilchenastrild, Violbuget Granatastrild, Granadero Morado, kobolttipeippo, Cordonbleu violacé, Garantino purpureo, aoharatokiwasuzume, ムラサキトキワスズメ, Blauwbuikgranaatastrild, Purpurastrild, motylik niebieskobrzuchy, Фиалковый астрильд, motýlik modrobruchý, Violbukad granatastrild, 紫蓝饰雀, finch, purple grenadier, rare, Uraeginthus ianthinogaster