Radar Tracking a Person in Substation Perimeter Surveillance Radar System
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=8jPrEbZox4A
SpotterRF radars in action tracking an individual inside a substation. Linked cameras are directed by the radar to observe the target. • http://www.spotterrf.com • SpotterRF Radar coverage Detect, Locate, Identify, and Track Drones. Advanced Drone Detection Technology. Government Facilities, Stadium, Events,. Airports, Prisons, Military and Sea Ports. • SpotterRf is always looking into the future in drone detection radars and surveillance radar systems. • SpotterRF Perimeter Surveillance Radars is the world's advanced Compact Surveillance Radar (CSR) system for perimeter, ground, land, air, sea, drone detection, artificial intelligence (AI) radar surveillance security systems. Made in the USA perimeter surveillance radar systems.