Gunstar Heroes Genesis Expert Longplay
Classic Game Room presents a CGRundertow video game review of Gunstar Super Heroes for the Game Boy Advance. Developed by Treasure, a team infamous for their crazy shoot 'em up action games, this sequel to their classic Gunstar Heroes on the Sega Genesis still manages to fit all the frantic action into the handheld platform. You control special agents Blue or Red in a quest to retrieve the stolen treasure gems, and will have to blow up tons of stuff in your path to do so. This review features Gunstar Super Heroes gameplay footage and commentary from CGRundertow reviewer Kevin. • • Check out more reviews from Classic Game Room at / cgrundertow and / classicgameroom . • • For the latest gaming news, visit • / cgrnews and find trailers at / cgrtrailers . • • Get more Classic Game Room on Facebook at / classicgameroom and at
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