PGR EU Hero Warzone Dark 275w Solo SS Lamia is Strong Global
Weather: Lamia | Zone: Duo Elite • Wep Resos: • Lamia - 1 (Harmonized), Scire - 1, Alisa - 2 (Harmonized) • I was told a lot that running Lamia solo is bad, it is not C: • I don't think its as good as swapping, but its not far off actually. The fact it is not far off when there is an SSS Amp and SS3 Gacha S tank present in a swap comp - proves how garbage Capri Scire are. • Even with high investment, their damage and mechanics are not that helpful in Warzone since Lamia is much stronger then both of them combined. • Lamia's dive does more damage then them as well xD • Once my Capri is harmonized, I will try her instead of Alisa (My Capri is SSS R2 btw lmao) - I could also try swapping once or twice like my Physical runs C: • Thanks for watching! Much love : D • Discord (Any Help/PGR Games Chat) - / discord • Music: • Anavae - Anti-Faith • • Anavae - Anti-Faith • Artist Links: • / anavaemusic • / anavaemusic • / anavae • / anavae • Chapter-san: • 0:00 Builds • 0:29 Lamia Zone • 4:24 Bracket / Total Score • 4:35 Outro • #pgrcc #punishinggrayraven #pgrglobal