How to make the perfect Lawn Top Dressing Mix
How to make the perfect Lawn Top Dressing Mix Video - Lawncare Masterclass • Chapters for this video: • 0:00 How to make the Perfect Lawn Top Dressing • 0:59 What mix of Sand:Soil • 1:28 Combining the sand and soil • 2:00 Hand mixing • 2:45 How to fill Hollow Tine Aeration holes • 3:41 Material Prices • • Any top dressing mix can be used for a few different purposes: • 1) Aeration • 2) Levelling • 3) Repair • If you ever get flooding on your lawn, it will be because of 1 of 2 reasons - chemical or mechanical compaction. • Chemical compaction is not very common. This is a result of soil that contains high levels of heavy metals, such as iron. As rainwater percolates down through the soil, small metallic particulate matter will drain down and collect at a particular depth. Eventually, a solid, impenetrable level of metal accumulates and water can no longer permeate through it. This will cause flooding, eventually at the surface level. • On the other hand, mechanical compaction occurs in EVERY lawn to a lesser or greater extent. There are 2 main causes: • 1) Surface traffic • 2) Depleted organic matter • What is surface traffic - people walking on the lawn, using power tools like a lawnmower, tyre vehicles like cars, or tracked vehicles like a JCB or crane. The problem is made worse when conditions are wet. Imagine squeezing a sponge full of water. The sponge bounces back to its full shape when you release it. Soil doesn't bounce back. As it gets squashed, the 'holes' either reduce in size or disappear. This is very bad for the grass. With the holes gone, there is no room for roots to grow, no space for air to circulate, and most importantly, nowhere for the water to drain through. • Organic matter is a very important part of soil mechanics. When microorganisms consume a lot or most of the organic matter, it can significantly change the soil's composition and structure. This can lead to soil particle compression and hence reduces the pore spaces between them and cause all the problems listed above. • AERATION will partially or completely solve these compaction problems. Hollow tine aeration is best, especially if there is significant puddling or flooding on your lawn. An 80:20 sand: soil mix is put into the holes to 1) keep the holes open and 2) allow water drain through to reduce or stop flooding. • LEVELING a lawn is a fairly simple process of getting rid of the bumps and filling the dips. A sandy top dressing mix is much easier to spread over a grassy lawn than a soil heavy mix. • REPAIR of holes from dropped tools, damage from a skip, parked vehicles, or scaffolding can be accomplished with the same mix. • Chapters for this video: • 0:00 Lawn Top Dressing Mix • 0:18 Aerated lawn mix • 0:28 What's in the mix • 1:03 What is the mix variations • 1:15 80% SAND • 1:30 Making the mix • 1:55 Mixing the sand and soil • 2:13 You can add grass seed now • 2:40 Filling aeration holes • 3:15 Coverage • 3:35 Material prices • If you want to follow me on social media, you can find me, Nick Barban, at any of the following: • Instagram @urbangardnrnick • Facebook / urbangardnrnick • Twitter / urbangardnrnick • YouTube / nickbarban • If you enjoyed or found this video useful, please use the LIKE button. • Please leave your COMMENTS • and remember to SUBSCRIBE. • Thank you.