TESTIMONIAL Facebook Ads with Sara JenkinsSutton CEO and CoOwner of TOPIARIUS

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TESTIMONIAL | Facebook Ads with Sara Jenkins-Sutton, CEO and Co-Owner of TOPIARIUS • In this video, Sara Jenkins-Sutton shares her testimonial about how she found out about Social Media Love and how much she believes in social media ads as a tool to reach more people faster. • Topiarius is “a landscape design, build and maintenance company that is redesigning the Chicago urban landscape one rooftop and yard at a time”. • ===TRANSCIPTION=== • Word of Mouth lead generation has been my business model for the past few years. • But because of the changes, COVID brought to our Market this past year. • I needed to expand our lead generation. • Methodology. Facebook ads were highly recommended to me • as a place to start the problem was I didn't know where to begin. • I didn't know how to technically • do it and I didn't want to lose dollars just experimenting then I • saw one of Social Media Love's promotions. • It was perfect timing Angelique took me step-by-step through • the process proving to me that she could do the • work for me. • If that was the reason I wanted to hire • her or she could also be my teacher to get me started creating and implementing my own ads. • It didn't matter that she was in Canada and I was in the USA • Working through zoom and sharing screens was very • easy as much as learning new technology can frustrate me. • I also love having a sense of accomplishment. • Schmidt around it and knowing that lead gen needs to be a constant business activity. • Social media love has given me my first few steps into Facebook ads • providing me with the control that I was looking for. • Facebook ads really have the state of our state-of-the-art • capabilities that the average person can access • for their own business, • but for us to but for us do it ourselves errs who like to know as much as possible. • Sometimes we need an above-average person • and a team like social media love to provide the guidance • and strategy that will launch us and you forward 10 times faster than trying to learn it yourself. • That's you. I highly recommend social media love. • I'm Sarah Jenkins-Sutton for Topiarius in Chicago, • Illinois. • ===== • Welcome! One tutorial a week. We talk about social networks and how they can raise your income, your impact in this world and your influence as an expert in the industry you dominate. I Help Women Entrepreneurs and Speakers Unleash Their Inner Rockstar Online Share Their Message With Millions. Want to raise your game on Social Media, book a discovery call with me here: https://abinet.lpages.co/free-consult... • WHO IS ANGÉLIQE BINET • Angélique Binet is a social media marketing consultant and coach for women entrepreneurs speakers, founder of Social Media Love, as well as a paid media strategist for the province of New Brunswick (Canada). She was a French newspaper journalist and Canadian TV reporter. Raised on a farm in France, Binet is a graduate of La Sorbonne University in Paris, and King's College University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. • ⁣ • QUI EST ANGÉLIQUE BINET • Angélique Binet est consultante en marketing des médias sociaux et coach pour les femmes entrepreneurs et conférencières, fondatrice de Social Media Love, ainsi que stratège digitale au service de la province du Nouveau-Brunswick (Canada). Elle a été journaliste en France au service de RFI, La République du Centre, Le Figaro et l'Association de la presse étrangère, ainsi que reporter et vidéastre à la télévision de Radio-Canada. Élevée dans une ferme en France, Angélique est diplômée de l'Université de la Sorbonne à Paris et de l'Université King's College à Halifax, en Nouvelle-Écosse. • TESTIMONIAL | Facebook Ads with Sara Jenkins-Sutton, CEO and Co-Owner of TOPIARIUS •    • TESTIMONIAL | Facebook Ads with Sara ...   • #womenleaders #socialmediamarketing #facebookads


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