Planck Star Black Hole Tachyon Rocket Power Source Starships
Planck Star (Black Hole) Tachyon Rocket / Power Source - Starships • Support our work via Patreon: / asteronx • • / asteronx • / asteronx • An AsteronX Concept • Did you know that all black holes explode, immediately? That is, from a certain internal point of view... • Creating and extracting energy from synthetic black holes: • But first, the prerequisites. • There is a relatively recent theory known as the Planck star theory, derived from Loop Quantum Gravity, in which gravity and spacetime are quantized—a topic for another video. • It was developed to solve an outstanding problem with our understanding of black holes. • You see, according to Einstein’s unmodified Relativity, when matter or energy falls into a black hole, all of its properties, its nature, everything about the infalling stuff, is lost, as a black hole is described by only three properties, its mass, electromagnetic charge, and angular momentum – no mention of the infalling stuff. • However, this violates the principle of conservation of information, that states all information must be conserved. When two or more entities merge, they share properties or information – one effects the other – hence the outstanding problem. • Somehow there must be a mechanism by which information is conserved. • This then raises the question, how is information conferred/conserved? What is the mechanism by which information is conferred to another entity, whatever exactly the information is. • The Planck star theory solves both the problem of information-loss, and the problem of infinite density at the black hole’s singularity. • The theory basically states that when a black hole forms, as matter and energy compress ever further - at the very moment the core reaches critical density, specifically, the Planck energy density – a repulsive - opposing force from within the core, preventing the black hole - all of its mass and energy from reaching the Planck scale – halting its collapse. • This repulsive force forms an inner horizon, whilst the powerful gravitational well forms the outer horizon or the event horizon. When the two horizons meet – the inner expands and the outer contracts – the black hole briefly becomes a white hole and explodes, spewing forth all its mass and energy – fueled by this repulsive force, which of course means that it had to overcome the powerful gravitational field – i.e. the gravitational well. • And more... • Credits and Thank You to the following! • Our assume patrons! • NASA for use of their videos: • Wikipedia for use of their information and images: • Steven Hawking – Wikimedia: • • Loop Quantum Gravity: • • Hawking radiation: • • Super massive black holes: • • YouTube Creative Commons Music: • Blank holes by Jingle Punks • Babylon Disco Ultralounge by Kevin MacLeod • Daydream Bliss by SYBS • Breathing Planet by Doug Maxwell • Other unnamed music via NASA’s videos