>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=DFdxk-YNMBs
Album: As Bold As Brass [2014] • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/boozeandglor... • Youtube: / @boozeandgloryofficial • Letra: • I heard he's doing alright now hard time inside tho • But he's learnt his lesson now • But I'll believe when I see it coz I know it ain't that easy • Just to turn your back on it all • If all you ever knew from the day that you were born • Was to cheat, lie, fight and steal • Well your never gonna break it if you can't earn it take it • Well life don't work that way • Coz some people never change • Some people fade away • Some people break the rules • But only fools get caught • He was never gonna go clean, dragged up in the East End • What kind a start in life is that • He never did go well at school, in an out of borstal • But he learnt what he had to know • Coz if all you ever do from the day that you leave school • is work hard and live the honest life • Well you'll never get no thanks coz we're all on the blag • And life just works that way • He' sitting at the bar now with some spanish tart • Soaking up the sun in Marbella • Coz he done a ronny biggs and he fucked off out of here • But he ain't never coming back again • So if all you ever do is follow the rules • You're never gonna get nowhere • So do as you please and take what you need • And make life work your way