David Clews Britain isn the Empire any more
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=DMmCZJNG5Uk
David Clews, editor-in-chief of the Unity News Network in a conversation with Mateusz Piskorski and Konrad Rękas about the call for another anti-Russian British-Polish alliance. • Telegram: @WithoutCensorshipWbrewCenzurze • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?... • Without Censorship in Russian: / @voprekicenzure • Without Censorship in Polish: / @WbrewCenzurze • Fundacja Swobód Obywatelskich im. Andrzeja Leppera: • IBAN: PL20 1020 1042 0000 8302 0581 5420 • BIC/SWIFT PKO BP: BPKOPLPW