What are You Really Hungry For Tara Kemp on PYP 468
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Tara Kemp is a mental health coach and researcher. And, delightfully, she's a very both/and kind of person. • In our conversation about the root causes of disordered eating, she acknowledges both the inner and the outer dynamics. Our environments are full of junk food. And our hearts and souls crave connection and joy. • As we discussed approaches to making food choices, she emphasized the value of external knowledge and inner wisdom. • And when we compared models of healing, she valued equally taking physical action to change internal states, and addressing internal issues to change behaviors. • Tara previously appeared on Plant Yourself in August 2017, when she shared her personal story of recovering from disordered eating through self-love and education. Fast forward nearly four years, and she is now helping other women heal their own relationships with food. • She's also upending conventional knowledge about a thorny topic: the intersection of eating disorders and vegan diets. Without evidence, there's a belief in the clinical treatment community that veganism is one more expression of disordered eating. Which means that for a long time, you couldn't adhere to a vegan diet if you attended a residential recovery program. • Tara, along with Adam Sud, is conducting research on whether plant-based diets reinforce patterns of addiction or can help to break them. More to come... • Her big message: our relationship with food is a symptom of our relationship with life. If we're not finding joy, meaning, connection, and spiritual fulfillment, we'll use a substance or behavior or thought pattern to cope with that lack. • To heal ourselves, we can't just find the right diet and stick to it. Or achieve a body that we're proud to show off at the beach. • Instead, she reminds us, we can use food and our relationship with it to reassert our care of our own bodies and souls. To act toward ourselves with compassion. To explore our food choices with curiosity and respect. • Find Tara at http://reconnectcollective.com