EXPOSED The Secret To The Iron Hand
Tutorial 1 Series 64 • Support the channel on our Patreon page • / practicalcombat • Follow Me on Instagram • • Follow me on twitter • / fightipskungfu • Donate on • • *******Support the channel by buying our DVD and learn more by doing so • Get Our New DVD: Low Kicks – Chopping Roots: • Low Kicks - Chopping Roots – Only $14.99 • (If purchase link is not coming up on mobile device, please use a desktop to make the purchase.) • Iron Palm or Iron Hand (Chinese: 铁掌功) is a body of training techniques in various Chinese martial arts. It is originally one of the 72 arts of the Shaolin temple. These conditioning techniques are typically meant to condition the hands to allow a practitioner to deliver very powerful blows without injury to his or her hands. • Iron Palm is slang for internal palm covering many different conditioning methods. Iron Palm systems are considered internal. Martial artists who practice Iron Palm training are not unified in their training and techniques. Some teachers treat their Iron Palm methodology as a valuable secret, and only share their specific techniques, training methods, and herbal remedies with a select few. • Not all Iron Palm types are not a martial arts style unto itself, but a type of neigong and heigong conditioning featured in many schools of Chinese martial arts. Some non-Chinese martial arts styles, such as Muay Thai and many schools of Karate, also feature hand conditioning; however, the term Iron Palm is not normally used to describe these types of training as they do not develop internal power.