These Shooting Stars are Epic
Welcome to EPIC TV New York, I am Anthony Esemplare owner thank you • for being here today we will take a look at some amazing captures of Shooting Stars Meteors and fireballs using color night vision this is a really amazing piece of footage I hope you all enjoy it. Please be sure to like share and subscribe. • This track is released under a CC-BY licence. This means you can use it for free, even on monetised videos. The only thing I ask in return is that you properly credit me. • You can do so by simply mentioning me and the track title in your YouTube video description, including a link to my YouTube channel. • If you don't credit me, you risk getting a copyright claim. You can find information regarding copyright claims here: • If you wish to support my work and donate, you can do so by clicking here: • • Also, if you like my music, please support me by subscribing to my YouTube channel. • Download this track here: • The music in this video is licensed under a ‘Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0)’. You can find the link to that license here: • *SPECIAL THANKS TO Thomas Lindemann for adding some of his amazing shooting star catches. And @vlogbrothers for allowing some reuse footage. • *Also to Fox News- @FoxNews • @EPICTV-NY • @RobertEarlWhiteORDEROFLIGHT • CASH APP=$AnthonyEsemplare • #shootingstars #fireballs #space #meteors #comets #sionyx #colornightvision