This is the Gameplay Walkthrough of ELDEN RING (2022). This Walkthrough guide will show you How to Cure / Remove Scarlet Rot. Scarlet Rot is one of Elden Ring's deadliest status ailments. If you've made your way to Caelid, east of Limgrave, you're all too familiar with the red poison. It can kill you almost before you even know what's happening. So how do you cure Scarlet Rot? • To cure Scarlet Rot in Elden Ring, you'll need Preserving Boluses. This item alleviates Scarlet Rot buildup and cures Rot. • Elden Ring Game Guide: • Elden Ring (Game Guide) • ----------------------------------------- • Played on PC: • Intel i7-10700k CPU @ 3.8Ghz • GeForce RTX 3070 • -----------------------------------------