Blue Eyed Black Lemur


These lemurs are strikingly beautiful as they curiously peer into the world with their highly contrasting fur and eye color. As their name suggests, blue-eyed black lemurs have large bluish-gray or bluish-green eyes, and are covered in black fur. They have the classic lemur face with a fox-like elongated snout. Their long, bushy tails usually do not touch the ground as they hold their tails upright with an S-shaped curve at the end. • The most notable part of their appearance is the differences between males and females that can be used to tell them apart. This is called sexual dimorphism. Males are all almost entirely black, and females are a burnt-orange color (sexual dichromatism). Males can have brownish fur along their chest and belly, and their hands and feet are black. Males also have a visible crest of hair on their head. Female bodies are covered in reddish-brown fur with a dark stripe along their back, and their bellies are a much lighter cream or gray. Female hands and feet are brown. Male blue-eyed black lemur faces are covered in black fur, while female faces have dark gray fur. The stark difference in the appearance of the two sexes led early explorers to think that male and female blue-eyed black lemurs were two different species and not different sexes of the same species! • Their lower incisor teeth are separated and act as a “tooth-comb” which helps them groom and remove pesky bugs or dirt from their fur. Learn more:


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