Channeling Egyptian Pharaoh Isis amp Osiris Knowledge of Galactics
Greetings! Watch as I channel Isis and Osiris live, open Q A for participants! A channeling from my heart, as this is where I connect to my Isis incarnation on Gaia. Bringing forth the knowledge and wisdom of our Galactic Alliance, our priestess-hood, our connections with the races from all of creation, our temples and pyramids, messages for the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine. Who is Osiris truly and his role for the New Earth. • More information on this transformational timeframe of 12/17-12/21. Detail to why Christmas was created, by the very beings that have hold of the system. Why right before the new year? What is it that is truly being created? Egypt’s true teachings for these timeframes. Enjoy! • For legal purposes: Aurora is not a licensed physician, please see your Doctor for health concerns. • To subscribe to Aurora's YouTube Channel in Spanish, follow this link: / @risingphoenixauroraespanol6846 • I am Aurora, a Seer, Quantum Alchemist, Channel to RA, the founder of AURA Hypnosis Healing, Certified QHHT Practitioner. • I am on Patreon, follow this link for more details on Spiritual Classes, Galactic Videos, and A.U.R.A. Session Certification payment plans: • / overview • ♥️ Looking to book a session? For details on my services, availability, and prices? To receive weekly emails please make an account on my website for automatic emails. Visit my website: • You may also find me at: https://www.quantumhealingpractitione... • / risingphoenixaurora • All rights reserved and copyright by Rising Phoenix Aurora