MAKE IT STOP as you say cause it will that episode being hyped just won't ever erupt ever in this forked world god just it's so battling script changes in a fucking time so me i just don't know why someone lazy ass can make leg videos god just strike me down with a radiocarbon bolt and kill me so i can leave this southsorm thing thank god tyrig dodged a bullet being in such a work of hell thank god i don't have to be in that fucking southaork thing anymore yay GOD i'm not relying regliois christian music in the back of a audio call bed rotting cousins with little casearts on the lad brags bed banging in the italian restaurant holy fucking snapple chasing from glass to plastic god i know this autistic theme pork guy WHO CARRS UR AUTISM SHUT THE FUCK UP no one cares make better videos like zoomed loopers that why he blocked u so he wouldn't have to see shitty videos about ur ugly horse girlfriend that looks like a man in drag ugly ahhh ANTI CHEF i wish southoark could come out but our animator jerks off to snow bunny porn actually i might not be able to say that cuz he might be gay cuz he sends me family guy pictures once a day I MEAN once a week OR i DONT know what if i typed like greg hefflley like this so my MOM won't let me finger the neighbor DOG so i went to rodrick so he could shove a DRUMSTICK up my ASHHOLE ya u can't handle this neither can u handle the waiting for the southoark episode. period right there bud. another one NO MORE SOUTHAORM EVND tho script was make and clips • BUT lazy fuck can't make it. what if not lazy fuck CUZ he not but just are with southaork sounding like cave man goga booga ANYHOW NO MORE SOUTHOARK • GOD GOD GOD GOD GOD🙏 • • #stuff