How to make a mocha
Check out Bas Rutten's Liver Shot on MMA Surge: • Step 1: Preparing the Milk and Chocolate Syrup • The first step is to mix 16 ounces of non-fat milk with three ounces of dark chocolate syrup. If your syrup container dispenses one ounce per pump, you'll just need to pump it three times. • Next, you'll need to steam the mixture using a steam wand. Make sure to place the wand just under the surface of the liquid. It only needs to dip down to the bottom for just a second in order to reach the chocolate syrup. Using a culinary thermometer can make sure you get it to 160ºF without going over. • Step 2: Making the Espresso • When putting fresh ground espresso into your portafilter, make sure that it's mounded high as it's going to be compressed. Press down using 30 pounds of pressure and then 15 pounds of pressure after that. It's important to get this right, as the espresso won't turn out the way you want it unless you create a proper espresso puck. • Step 3: Final Preparation • To put it all together, pour the chocolate and milk mixture into a mug. However, make sure to hold back the foam until you're almost done pouring. That way, it'll all end up on top. From there, add the double shot of espresso and then top the drink with whipped cream from a pressurized container. • Read more by visiting our page at: •