Install CoinOPS 6 Lite
This tutorial will show you in detail how and where to download and install (via FTP) CoinOPS 6 lite onto an original xbox that has been soft modded. CoinOPS is an epic game user interface that will allow you to smoothly play old arcade and console games on your softmodded original xbox without jumping between emulators. It is a truly beautiful thing. You do not need to install a larger HDD, CoinOPS6 lite was specifically designed for the stock xbox HDD. The installation is similar to the CoinOP5 lite, but CoinOPS6 Lite is leaner and faster than CoinOPS5 Lite and has ~500 games. Another cool feature is that you can remove any of the games and videos on CoinOP6 Lite which allows you to customize your build and still enjoy the smooth CoinOPS user interface. This tutorial is meant to help folks completely new to modding enjoy their old xbox and play some cool video games. If there are way that I can improve the tutorial please let me know • CoinOPS6 is a beautiful game user interface for emulation on the original Xbox. Please visit the forum for more information • Hardware you need • A router box (most folks have a wireless router in the home) and an Ethernet cable. • Software you will need • CoinOPS6 lite files (available a few places) • CO6lite version 2 •!DchmCSpA!R8716r... • version 4 • • • If you do get it here then respect the others on the site and seed after you download. Do not hit and run any torrent site (that is just selfish). latest version CO6 lite version4 • • • Some sort of bit torrent program • I use bit torrent • --NOTE-- • For those folks that may get an error invalid torrent path when trying to download or seed this torrent. I got the same error then I uninstalled the newer version of utorrent I had on my PC and installed the old version of utorrent 2.2.1. This fixed the error for me and now I can seed this torrent again :) • Here is a link to download utorrent 2.2.1 • • Something to unpack (uncompress files) either • WINRAR L=0 • or 7-zip • or J-zip (I use J-zip) • • A program that allows you to FTP into your xbox. • File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard Internet protocol that is used to transfer files between computers. In this case between your PC and your xbox. • I use flash fxp (there are other programs that do this too) • • After softmodding an xbox with a WD stock 8GB HDD you will have ~4.6-4.7 GB available on your xbox ( which is probably ~ 100mb to little to install CoinOPS 6 Lite). COINOPS 6 Lite is ~4.7 GB and has 500 games and video previews. If you have other applications (e.g. XMBC) you may want to remove a few more games from CoinOPS6 lite so it fits (~200mb worth). Unlike CoinOPS5lite, for CoinOPS6 lite you can remove any of the games or videos and CoinOPS6 lite will still function so remove what you want. The videos (xmv files) are in the video folder and the roms (zip files) are in the rom folder. Select the games you want to omit and put them in a folder called 'games omitted from coinops 6 lite installation' then FTP the coinOPS folder to the Emulators folder in your Xbox. Reboot your xbox then go into emulators and select CoinOPS 6 lite. The first time CoinOPS boots it will start right up and show all 500 games in the list (even if you removed a few to get it to fit). You can scan for games from the start menu to display only the games you installed (this will take ~10 min). Below are some of the larger games and their sizes (however, you can remove any of the games and CoinOPS6 lite will still work). • game rom xmv game total (KB) running total (KB) • ss5shnd 9,304 42,778 52,082 52,082 • kof98 9,240 39,664 48,904 100,986 • garoun 8,140 40,274 48,414 149,400 • matrimnd 8,912 36,416 45,328 194,728 • lastbld2 9,520 31,624 41,144 235,872 • rbff2 8,200 30,714 38,914 274,786 • preisl2n 9,500 27,538 37,038 311,824 • shocktr2 8,960 28,040 37,000 348,824 • dmnfrnt 7,612 24,580 32,192 381,016 • kov2100 4,968 25,142 30,110 411,126 • Good quality previews of CoinOPS 6 Lite • • Video • • [Xbox] CoinOPS 6 Lite - Showcase - HD...