Prince Hisahito would do it with no guilt Prince who lost peoples trust
※日本語字幕を付けてみましたので、この動画の日本語解説はありません^^※ • *Prince Hisahito's research paper* • • *Referenced Photo of Sympecma paedisca* • • **Thesis written in 2014, by Professor Shin-ichi Suda Dr. Takuya Kiyoshi • • Lucy's X(twitter) account:@eCORECorp • I welcome any of your comment and information! • Thank you in advance. • 海外のニュースの概要と感想を日本語でお届けする動画です。 • <チャンネル登録お願いします↓ ↓ ↓> • / @realimperialstoryby6768 • 輸入食品とペット用品のネット通販会社も経営しています。 • • • **DISCLAIMER: I AM NOT A JOURNALIST. I run this channel giving my opinion about imperial (and/or royal) news and to look for teachable moments! • Everything in this video and my other videos on my channel are for entertainment purposes, these are my opinions and thoughts and are subjective. • I must advise you to do your own research. • All media I use was found on the public domain and are fair use and fair dealing. Some readings from news articles and books have been edited down to save on time, if you want to see full quotes from my readings, please read the source material I provide or contact me to learn more. • Source: On my channel I read from different news articles and comment on them. In most cases, I shorten the final version of the news article that I am reading to save on time. • I encourage you to do your own research. • *Fair Use Act, entertainment purposes only, allegations, rumors, research, facts, opinions, speculations, maybe and what ifs, theories. • I suggest that you use your own discretion when watching my videos and please do your own research if you want reliable information. • My perspective is just that, mine and you might, or you might not relate to what I have to say. • I have NOT done this video to be malicious in anyway. I encourage people to be nice and the best version of themselves. • #hisahito #dragonflies #dragonfly #princehisahito #悠仁 #悠仁さま #秋篠宮家に会計監査を #秋篠宮家は日本の恥 #秋篠宮家全員皇籍剥奪 #愛子天皇論 #秋篠宮家全員皇籍離脱 #秋篠宮家不要 #秋篠宮にDNA鑑定を #さようなら秋篠宮家 #皇室典範改正 #敬宮愛子さまを皇太子に • #悠仁論文 #hisahito #princehisahito #秋篠宮家に会計監査を #秋篠宮家は日本の恥 #秋篠宮家全員皇籍剥奪 #愛子天皇論 #秋篠宮家全員皇籍離脱 #秋篠宮家不要 #秋篠宮にDNA鑑定を #さようなら秋篠宮家 #皇室典範改正 #敬宮愛子さまを皇太子に