AtGames Extended Options Menu Sonic Spinball
Yes, it sounds that horrible. • And yet, perhaps unsurprisingly, AtGames made it even worse. • Requested by @tbp1885 (and probably many others around the internet) • Full Playlist of AtGames OST Extensions: • AtGames OST Extensions • Also: I'm taking requests. If there's an OST of a Sega Genesis game you want butchered, I'll record it off of my AtGames device and host it on this channel- assuming there's a (semi)-easy way to reach a sound test screen. Or heck- if you want to hear the soundtrack/see gameplay of one of the AtGames Original games (like Hexagonos, or what have you) I'll do that too. • Request List Options (And FAQ) Here: • (FOR REQUESTS FAQ) AtGames Classic Ga... • Sonic Spinball Options Menu, As Heard On An AtGames (@Games) Console, Extended to 30 Minutes