Lets Draw A Caricature of Clint Eastwood
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=LO529UdGE08
I draw a caricature of Clint Eastwood. The video is 10 minutes, but the actual time spent drawing is probably closer to 7. I run my mouth a lot. • Order personalized caricatures here: http://cartoonvegas.com • The overhead camera (cell phone attached to a windsheild mount) fell off halfway through, and I decided to keep it in the video. Thought it was funny. • Credits for the other Clint Eastwood caricatures are: • tomrighmond.com • stingarea.blogspot.com • facebook.com/jfstahl • davidokeefe.com • Thanks Zagi2 for the music: https://www.freesound.org/people/zagi2/