Foam Roller Shoulder Stretch
Today I want to show you three exercises using a foam roller to increase shoulder flexibility. • For the first exercise, put sit in front of a table. Put the foam roller on the table in front of you. Put your hand on top of the foam roller. From this position, slide your arm forward across the table on top of the foam roller. Let your arm stretch until you feel a strong stretch. Start to return to starting position when you start to feel discomfort. Repeat this movement for up to 10 repetitions, for 3 sets. • For the second exercise, sit next to a table. Put the foam roller on the table next to you. Put your hand on top the roller. Let your arm stretch until you feel a strong stretch. Start to return to starting position when you start to feel discomfort. Repeat this movement for up to 10 repetitions, for 3 sets. This is similar to the first exercise except it is at a different angle. • For the third exercise, again sit next to a table. Put the foam roller on the table next to you. From here, rest your armpit on top of the foam roller. Position your body so to e back of your armpit rests on top of the roller. This targets your latissimus dorsi muscle. Let let pressure of the roller sink into the muscle. If there is tension in your latissimus dorsi muscle, you may feel some tenderness in the muscle. If you have any sharp pain doing this exercise, this might not be a good exercise for you. This is not an appropriate exercise if you have a lot of inflammation and swelling in your armpit. If this is the case, icing your shoulder or armpit may be more helpful for reducing inflammation. If you don’t have sharp pain and just some sensitivity or tenderness, just hold the position for a minute or two or as long as you could tolerate. If you feel any numbers or tingling in your fingers when you do this exercise, you might have held the position for too long. • #physicaltherapy #physiotherapy #physio #stretching #stretch #stretchingexercises #shoulderstretch #shoulder #shoulderpain #frozenshoulder