Planet X Nibiru SPT Disclosures May 2008 Report
NOTICE TO OUR VIEWERS: This is our last Planet X disclosure analysis. We stand by our reporting and encourage you to become self-informed.-Marshall Masters • ******************* • ORIGINAL ABOUT TEXT • ******************* • PLEASE DOWNLOAD THIS VIDEO: Note, the NibiruShock2012 account was closed by the impostor but copies of the first two videos were re-posted by another user. They match with what we have. • Nibiru/Planet X photos taken January 2008 • • Nibiru/Planet X photos taken January ... • Nibiru/Planet X update February 1 2008 • • Nibiru/Planet X update February 1 2008 • This summary video discusses the events surrounding two very short-lived YouTube disclosure videos. Both revealed images of Planet X that were sourced to the South Pole Telescope (SPT) in Antarctica. • Since our last major South Pole Telescope disclosure analysis article in April titled, First Two Planet X SPT Leaked Image Videos by NibiruShock2012 Now Seen as Highly Credible we've noticed the following three trends: • Frequency and number of disclosures. • More heavy-handed disinformation attacks. • Whistle blowers are falling on their swords. • As the frequency and pace of disclosures increases, the disinformation attacks are becoming more heavy-handed. Back in March of this year, the disinformation was being played with the sophistication of a championship chess match, and the moves were played with finesse. However, this month this chess game has evolved into a bizarre Internet version of Whack 'em All. • Supporting Analysis Articles •