Fivepenny Piece I dont know if I want to go home
Fivepenny Piece were from Lancashire and became more well known after appearing as the musical guest on BBC's 'That's Life' in 1975. This rare video clip is a 1974 appearance on ITV's 'Wheeltappers and Shunters Club' show. • • For more information about this much missed group, please visit the excellent official website run by Margaret Meeks, wife of Fivepenny Piece member John Meeks. • • A wonderful website with Everything about them has sadly gone BUT has been archived by The Internet Archive. Follow this link • •*/www.5pp.... • Then click on the result shown • NEWS UPDATE - November 12th 2007 • • There is now a new song by Linda and John Meeks of the Fivepenny Piece on YouTube. Written some 25 years back by fellow 5PP member Colin Radcliffe, but only recorded in September 2007, it is a Christmas song called 'A Special Child'. Take a listen - it's kinda good. • • • A Special Child