GPU Repair Nvidia Geforce gtx560 Ti MSI twin frozr 2
My desktop started shutting itself down after only being on for a few minutes. The time that it would stay on for would progressively get shorter. • Link to where I purchased the fans: • • Subscribe: • If i left it off for a while and then powered it up it would stay on for a few minutes then shutdown and repeat the same pattern of staying on for ever decreasing amounts of time. • I left it off for a while and powered it on. I checked the temperatures of the CPU and GPU and found that the GPU temperature was steadily increasing with no significant load on it. • I just about had enough time to screen capture the GPU temperature rising before it shut itself down. • I took off the side panel of my desktop and could instantly feel that the GPU was way hotter than it should be. I let my desktop cool down for a while so i could turn it on and observed that the fans on the GPU were not moving. looking back at the screen capture you can see that the reported fan RPM's are very erratic. • I removed the GPU once it had cooled down and look for any visual signs of blown discrete components on the board. Been watching too much Louis Rossmann and eevblog. I couldn't see any obvious signs that any components had let out the magic smoke or looked fishy so i decided to just get some replacement fans. As these are the only moving parts on the GPU and i use this GPU heavily it does make sense that maybe the fan bearings have worn out, or the lubricant has dried up or disappeared. • Replacement fans are pretty cheap (£10 shipped + free heatsink compounds lol) compared to the price of a new GPU, if you can find them. So after some digging around on ebay i found a seller that had them. Delivery took about two weeks as they were shipping from Taiwan. • Luckily I had a spare GPU (Nvidia Qaudro fx 3800) and other computers to use. So while I waited for shipping I replace the GTX 560 -Ti with the Quadro card (really noisy cooler on that Quadro). • I filmed this on a Nikon coolpix S9300. Which is not really suited for long filming sessions. I posted some pictures on twitter showing why that is. • I edited this video using Editshare Lightworks. I have been meaning to play with it for a while so i thought i would test it on this video. • After a few hours of playing with it and working out how stuff is done within Lightworks, and watching a few of Editshare's brilliant tutorials on their youtube channel i got really comfortable using Lightworks and it really is very fast. • Motherboard: ASUS P6T SE • CPU: Intel core i7 920 • GPU Nvidia GTX 560 Ti MSI twin frozr 2 • RAM OCZ 12GB DDR3 • SSD: 240GB kingston 300V • HDD: 1TB Samsung f1 spinpoint , 2TB WD red drive • Blog: • Twitter: / linuxleech • Facebook: / linuxleech • Google+: • ~-~~-~~~-~~-~ • Please watch: virtualbox vs vmware virtual machine in virtual machine? • • Virtualbox vs Vmware Is it possible t... • ~-~~-~~~-~~-~