Recent Advances in the Treatment of Bipolar Disorder Webinar
Over 2,400 years ago, Greek physician Hippocrates first detailed symptoms of opposite mood states - what we now understand as mania and depression. Throughout the Middle Ages and into the modern era, vivid descriptions of melancholy and euphoria continued to surface, drawing focus to a set of distinct symptoms that appeared to occur in cycles. • In this special #talkBD episode, psychiatrist Dr. Manuel Sánchez de Carmona dives through centuries of evidence to uncover the fascinating story of manic-depression - and how we've come to know the condition today as bipolar disorder . • 00:00 Introduction • 01:54 Virginia Woolf Knew She Was Ill • 03:58 Ancient Greece Rome • 09:22 19th Century France Germany • 14:18 The Circular Pattern of Bipolar Disorder • 18:52 The Modern Era • 21:00 The Bipolar Spectrum • 24:14 The DSM History of Mixed Features • 27:04 Today: Key Figures, Advocacy, World Bipolar Day • 31:50 The Term Bipolar Disorder Is Inaccurate? • 35:20 King George III Life Charting • 41:49 Learning from Your History • People referenced: • Ancient Classical: Hippocrates, Aristotle, Aretaeus of Cappadocia, Posidonius • 19th Century: Jean-Pierre Falret, Jules Baillarger, Karl Kahlbaum, Emil Kraepelin, King George III, Vincent van Gogh • Modern Era: Virginia Woolf, Karl Leonhard, Jules Angst, David Kupfer, Ellen Frank • Today: Kurt Cobain, Carrie Fisher, Kanye West, Britney Spears • Share this episode: • - - • Dr. Manuel Sánchez de Carmona is a member of the ISBD Board of Directors and works as an associate professor of Clinical Psychiatry for the Anahuac University in Mexico City, Mexico. He began his involvement with ISBD in 2008 as the founder of the ISBD Mexican Chapter and since then in key leadership roles: first as ISBD Secretary Treasurer and then as ISBD President, serving for two consecutive terms from March 2014 to December 2017. He was able to actively promote the Society and generate local chapters in several countries of Latin America, Asia, and Europe. He is passionate about providing education on bipolar disorders and using the Society as a game-changer in public mental health services. Since World Bipolar Day’s inception, he has been involved in its global promotion and making connections with experts with the lived experience to generate community awareness and fight stigma. Dr. Sanchez de Carmona has more than 30 years of clinical experience treating mood disorders and is interested in diagnosis, early detection, and providing quality of life to patients. • This episode is hosted by Dr. Erin Michalak and produced by Caden Poh. • #talkBD Bipolar Disorder Podcast • talkBD gathers researchers, people with lived experience, healthcare providers, and top bipolar disorder experts from around the world to discuss and answer the most important questions about living with bipolar disorder. All episodes are available on all podcast platforms. • Spotify: • Apple Podcasts: • Learn more about talkBD: