How to get a host for a postdoc in Germany
Strategies for getting a host professor for a postdoctoral researcher or postdoctoral fellow position in Germany are discussed. This applies to the Humboldt, DAAD, DFG, Max Planck, and other German funded postdoctoral research opportunities. Anyone who wants to do postdoctoral studies in Germany will find the process of getting a host quite onerous. A doctoral program that leads to a PhD, doctor of philosophy, or doctorate degree is needed to pursue postdoctoral studies. A postdoctoral fellowship in Germany can boost your CV or curriculum vitae and help you get a lucrative faculty position or professor job at a top university or research institute. • #PhDstudent • #Postdoc • #studyingermany • Video to watch next: • How to get the Humboldt postdoc fellowship? • • How to get the Humboldt Postdoctoral ... • Useful link to postdoc playlist: • • Postdoc