My Dermatographia
Living with the dermatographia skin condition. • WHAT IS DERMATOGRAPHIA? • Here is a link to a video that describes the science behind dermatographia: • The science behind Dermatographia. Lo... • Dermographism or skin writing is a type of urticaria, or hives - where a raised, itchy rash appears on the skin. • Dermatographia is thought to be caused when the cells under the surface of the skin release histamines under the slightest pressure. • Histamines are chemicals released in the body as part of an allergic reaction, causing the skin to swell. • In this type of urticaria, itchy weals occur after friction such as rubbing or stroking the skin. This itching may be aggravated by heat. • Weals and red marks also often appear as lines at the sites of scratching, and generally last for less than one hour.' • Antihistamines block the effect of histamine, and reduce itching and the rash in most people, but may not relieve urticaria completely. • If urticaria occurs frequently, it is best to take antihistamines regularly every day. • Here is a link to a video that describes the science behind dermatographia: • The science behind Dermatographia. Lo... • find me on facebook. • / louisesara87uk • instagram: louise_dermatographia • Instagram: louisesara87